4. 音乐传播过程-声波和耳朵¶
长波低音高, 短波高音高
空气(外耳) - 内耳 - 电化学信号 - basilar membrane(耳蜗基底膜) - 纤毛感应特定声波 - 大脑 - primary auditory nerve - auditory cortex(大脑皮层) in temporal lobe 其他相关: 1. prefrontal cortex(lobe) -- where am i in this piece 2. motor cortex parietal lobe -- movement 3. hippocampus - memory 4. limbic system, amygdala -- emotion
5. ...¶
6. why we like what we like.¶
- nurture -- 文化培养
- nature
7. 西方音乐的语法syntax¶
- leading tone -- pull toward the home pitch or tonic
- large leap -- reversed by following pitch
- harmony -- must fit with the melody
- chord progression -- harmonies usually return home to tonic
8. 音乐的本质 nature¶
overtone series¶
乐器震动出声时, 其实不只一个音, 只是听觉系统让我们只听到最低音, 因为它声音最大
这个最低音振幅最大, 定为 fundamental tone , 其他音 overtones